Birth mothers rights after adoption

As an agency dedicated in birth mothers support, we assist you in getting the right help at the right time. There are a number of formalities that are laid down before giving a child up for adoption and before adopting one. Both, birth moms and prospective families, have to undergo a stringent checks and balances method before formalizing the adoption.

Birth mothers rights after adoption do not end with simply signing the papers. They may forego their legal rights on their baby, however, there are terms that can be set by them as per law. The birthmother decides how often she wants to see her child. There are some who like to continue contact while others decide to not have any or limited contact with their child. The choice of giving up the baby after adoption also lies in the hands of the birthmother. She can choose to sign the papers immediately after delivery or just before she gets discharged. There is also an option for birthmothers to put in a condition to get access to timely photographs of their child during their growing years. Depending on the type of adoption, open, semi-open or confidential, they can provide their information to the adoptive family on a timely basis.

As a child-adoption agency, we provide complete birth mothers support to help them resuscitate their life and start afresh. Right from finding the right prospective parents to acquainting them with the rights and settling them, Adoption Miracles participates and helps you all through the way!

Let us help.

We understand that emotions can be running high when facing an unplanned pregnancy and often times, you want to talk to someone outside of normal business hours. For this reason, we are available to any birthparents, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If we cannot answer immediately due to confidentiality reasons, please leave a voicemail and we will call you back!