Dear Birth Mom,
I know it’s scary. The questions swirling through your mind are endless. Nights are the worst. Maybe you’re bearing this all alone. You haven’t told ANYONE. It’s so easy to feel isolated with the only voice the one in your own mind making you second guess every random thought. Keep it? Abort it? Go through pregnancy and give it up for adoption? Raise it? Can you? Should you?
I’m going to be honest with you. Adoption Miracles is not an abortion provider. Our business is life, but we are not just worried about the life of the baby you carry, we are worried about you. The moment you found out that you are pregnant the life you knew evaporated. The choice you make for yourself now will change you.
Perhaps you’ve never really given adoption a thought. It seems that the only two options presented to young women today are abortion or life as a struggling mother. But that’s not it. With private adoption you have the opportunity to be cared for during your pregnancy and become the hero to a family that wants nothing more than to give your baby a loving home for the rest of it’s life.
Without you, these parent’s dreams can not become reality. I get 5 to 10 times more requests from families wanting to adopt than I do from courageous mothers like you who are considering doing the selfless thing by giving up 9 months to help another family. You are RARE. You are VALUABLE.
Perhaps you don’t feel like that right now. Perhaps you feel like every decision that you made that brought you to this point was a mistake, but that’s not how we see you. We prove this by ensuring that your living expenses are paid during your pregnancy, that you have transportation to your doctors appointments, that your adoption counselor is with you in the hospital, that you receive counseling and solid nutrition during your time with us and that after your birth you are given the tools you need to continue to move your life in a positive direction.
Other Support For Birth Moms
“The ON YOUR FEET FOUNDATION honors and values the choice birth parents have made to place their children for adoption, helps birth parents become self-sufficient, and provides support and community after placement.”
CONCERNED UNITED BIRTHPARENTS is the only national organization focused on birthparents – their experiences, healing and wisdom – serves all those affected by adoption and all who are concerned about adoption issues. Although our focus is on birthparents, long the forgotten people of the adoption community, we welcome adoptees, adoptive parents, and professionals. We find that we all have much to learn from each other and that sharing our feelings and experiences benefits all of us.”
Has many groups that can be joined for birth mother support. Some examples are: