A Christian adoption Agency
Pure and genuine religion is caring for orphans and widows in their distress...
James 1:27

Inspired by Christ's Compassion
What does it mean to work with a Christian adoption agency? At Adoption Miracles it means that we are inspired by the compassion demonstrated by Jesus Christ. Records of Christ’s life shows us a man that was tender with children, women, the hurting, and the down-trodden. Christ never demanded that a person have their life together before he displayed love and tenderness.
We don’t either. If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and are considering giving your child for adoption the last thing you need is judgement. We take our mission to serve you seriously with the goal of not only providing the support and services you need, but also the compassion you deserve.

Helping You With Every Step
We are here to help you with:
Selecting a Florida adoption agency: We know finding the right adoption agency can be stressful. It’s important to you that your child goes to a loving home and we want to help make that happen. Your choice of an adoption agency should reflect what you want for yourself and what you want for your child.
Getting the facts: There are several places to go for information about adopting agencies. However, it can be difficult to know for sure if that information is reliable and accurate. This why we encourage you to contact a licensed professional who will ensure that you are getting the most reliable information.
Here for everyone: At Adoption Miracles, we specialize in tending to women who are dealing with unplanned pregnancies. We offer counseling before and after the birth, transportation, housing, and other forms of assistance. We also make sure that prospective parents are given the helpful information they need in order to find a baby to adopt.

We Are Here to Help- It Starts With You
At Adoption Miracles, our goal is to ensure sure that our clients are given full guidance throughout this process. It is important to us that you and your child are taken care of before and after your pregnancy. We will also ensure that both the prospective parents and the birth mother’s requests are met. For example, If the birthmother prefers to minimize communication and wishes to have her name and information protected during this process, we are here to make sure that’s exactly what happens and that their involvement is minimal.
Adoption miracles, and Christian adoption agencies in Florida have helped hundreds of clients find support, information, and guidance throughout this process. We work with both parties involved, so we can smooth the transition and ensure that the child is given to a loving family who can care for and provide for them throughout their lives. If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and you are looking for options or need assistance, we are here to help you and can begin the process as soon as you pick up the phone. Let us help you give the gift of a child to the right people and make sure that your needs are cared for as well.