Many parents are quite apprehensive about placing the baby for adoption because of the legal formalities and tons of documentation. With the help of Adoption Miracles, this process becomes much easier to go through.

placing the baby for adoption

A leading child-adoption agency, Adoption Miracles, has been helping families throughout Florida and the country, to explore various options of adopting children who need a home. Their expertise spans across domestic and international adoptions. Many birth moms are quite skeptical while placing the child for adoption. They have their notions that mostly spring from half-information available over the internet or through wrong guidance by a peer. This can lead to devastating effects on the mother and her child. In order to calm the chaos, Adoption Miracles helps birthmothers and birthparents to get a complete step-by-step overview about the adoption process. This includes understanding the paperwork, birth rights, selection process of adoptive parents, home study, medical facilities, etc. The birth moms are also given a chance to rebuild their lives with the help of timely care and assistance by the agency, to get back to school and pursue their careers.

As a one-stop solution for all adoption queries, Adoption Miracles, has been giving  tremendous support to birthmothers in placing the baby for adoption and to get their life together. We give equal aid and support to adoptive families by providing them with all the assistance they need post-adoption.

Let us help.

We understand that emotions can be running high when facing an unplanned pregnancy and often times, you want to talk to someone outside of normal business hours. For this reason, we are available to any birthparents, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If we cannot answer immediately due to confidentiality reasons, please leave a voicemail and we will call you back!